Endometriosis: 40 years to Diagnose
Why Your Womb Story Matters
By Joanne Bagshaw, PhD, LCPC and Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT My day at our pelvic health clinic began as usual…scanning charts, prepping the room, grounding myself. But for Joanne, it was a day of life altering and affirming care. After years of unresolved and...
Prepare Your Body For Birth with Prenatal Yoga & Pelvic Floor PT
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT During the pandemic, I was in conversation with a local midwife about recent home births. “Ugh, these COVID births are tough!” What was different? Birthers were housebound with less movement and living with fear, elevated stress and...
Tips to Reduce Pelvic Pain
By Amanda Regler, DPT and Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT Did you know pelvic pain impacts 1 in 4 women worldwide? That means, at some point in life, 25% will experience pain that hinders sitting tolerance, sexual health, bladder or bowel elimination, or function during...
Help! Why is Sex Painful?
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT and Victoria Hudson, SPT Dyspareunia or pain with sex is more common than you may think. In the U.S. 10-20% of women experience pain with sex and nearly 1 in 4 women experience pain with sex over their lifetime. So let's dive into why is sex...
Why Choose a Out-of-Network Physical Therapist?
After years in the traditional clinic model of insurance-based care, I opted to begin a new way of treating. In 2021, Oasis PT & Pelvic Health was founded. Due to progressive changes in healthcare and reduced reimbursement, clinics were forced to see higher...
Return to Run & Fitness After Baby
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT and Victoria Hudson, SPT Do any of these things sound familiar? Lifting, jumping, or running that causes pelvic, hip, abdominal, or back pain? What about pelvic pressure, bulge, or heaviness? Have you experienced bladder or bowel...
Help With Conception: Mercier Therapy & Pelvic Floor PT
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT and Victoria Hudson, SPT In her memoir, Becoming, Mrs. Obama revealed how at the age of 34, she realized that “the biological clock is real” and that “egg production is limited", which led her to seeking IVF. Preparing for pregnancy can...
When Should I begin Pelvic Floor PT after Birth?
"Postpartum care should become an ongoing process, rather than a single encounter, with services and support tailored to each woman’s individual needs. It is recommended that all women have contact with their obstetrician–gynecologists or other obstetric care...
Why Should I Consider Virtual PT?
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT It was March 2020 and COVID shut the world down. Skeptical, I, along with my fellow healthcare providers, quickly pivoted to provide online care. Pulling upon years of clinical experience and keen observation skills, I became a reluctant...
What to Expect with Pelvic Therapy at Oasis PT & Pelvic Health?
By Sonya Worthy Okolo, PT Have you stumbled upon this page while searching the web for a solution to your most intimate and embarrassing pee, poop, or sex concerns? You may be wondering what is a Pelvic Physical Therapist and what happens during a session? ...
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a concierge & wellness service?
“Concierge Therapy” goes beyond the traditional insurance-based model. We provide care until your goals are met – not dictated by your insurance company. You have unlimited access – we value quality NOT quantity! You have the ability to quickly reach providers with questions and receive timely responses via text or email options. Services typically are 55 to 75 minutes, 1:1 care, and individualized with advanced skill intervention allowing for more efficient results. Select mobile service is available.
Do I need a referral from my physician?
Maryland is a direct access state, so no physician referral is needed. You can choose! After evaluation, if it is determined that we are not the right provider, then you will be directed appropriately.
How many pelvic therapy sessions do I need?
What birth support services are offered?
Have a question not covered here?
What should I expect at the first pelvic therapy session?
Are you a provider for my health insurance?
We are NOT Medicare providers. All services are covered by out-of-network insurance. As a fee-for-service rehabilitation company, payment is due at time of service using HSA, FSA, or Credit/Debit Cards. A superbill will be provided for your self-submission of reimbursement.
Contact us to receive a guide to navigate out of network insurance!
Click LINKfor help with filing claims
I have a birth team, so why consider a PT-Doula?
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